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Started on January 15, 2025Duration 16 hoursCost Rs. 5,000 Join this course

What if we were to tell you that you have been facing the wrong way! Take a moment right now to experience what we mean. Picture yourself in any position. You will notice that you are looking away from yourself. We are always looking outwards… which is the wrong way.

As we seek health, success and happiness in the physical world, we are often oblivious to how close true health, success and happiness are, because we don’t look inward. In many cases our interest in looking inwards is awakened by a life crisis, such as a reversal of fortune or tragedy that is difficult to explain, for example, disastrous material loss or the death of someone close. Regardless of how we come to this awareness, we all have with-in us this intrinsic need to “return to the source,” to have connect with our soul (or our Divine Self) to access that inner peace, good health, and emotional and mental well being. Everything we need to be happy and complete in our everyday lives lies within.

This powerful workshop teaches a person how to experience oneness with his or her Higher Soul. A lot of people do not realize that a strong connection with the Higher Soul is one of the keys for having happiness, inner strength, and health in your daily life. A stronger connection or oneness with the Higher Soul is what is also referred to as Self Realization or Soul Realization or Enlightenment.

Understand Your True Nature

It has often been said that knowing yourself is the beginning of true wisdom. Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul is a workshop which was created with this purpose.

Have you have ever thought about God, of life and existence? Have questions come to your mind like “Who am I”, “Where have I come from”, “What is the purpose of my life”, and “Where I will go after I die”? These are complex questions, and the answers to these have not been understood clearly my many. This workshop enables you to understand the answers to such profound questions by providing you with a better understanding of your true nature, your life and its unique purpose.

One may ask why spiritual practices are important? Some perspective might be had from reading this article on our online magazine titled Spirituality – Why Care?

This workshop provides the seeker with an introduction to the spiritual path. Spirituality is more than just meditations and chanting – it is a way of life, This workshop is highly recommended for everyone. Although we look different, we have different professions and ways of life, we are all beings of light who knowingly or unknowingly are trying to evolve and to realize our true nature. ‘Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul’ makes this possible!

In this workshop you would learn about many esoteric teachings kept secrets for centuries, including:

  • You true nature, that you are a soul with different bodies
  • Realize the divinity in other people
  • The true meaning of the word “Yoga” and concepts such as Soul Realization, Self Realization or Enlightenment. 
  • Understand the nature of the incarnated soul, the higher soul and the divine spark within us.
  • Understand journey of your soul through timeless incarnations and learn powerful techniques around how to achieve soul-realization
  • Learn ancient meditation techniques which have been kept secret for centuries. These techniques allow you to accelerate the union of your Incarnated Soul (often described as the personality or Lower Self) with your Higher Soul (often described as the Higher Self).
  • How to release old emotional baggage. How to raise your consciousness. How to achieve stillness.
  • The inner secrets of esoteric and mystical concepts such as the Kundalini energy and the Blue Pearl.
  • The existence of energetic seeds in our auric fields and how they affect our Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical lives will be taught. These “energetic DNA recorders”
  • Learn the secret behind symbols such as the medical caduceus, the blue pearl and snake, why some deities (such as the Lord Vishnu, the Lord Rama, and Lord Krishna) are depicted with blue skin; as well as the esoteric meanings of parables such as the Sleeping Beauty.
  • Plus much more…

This workshop provides a strong foundation to spiritual development and also introduces us to two advanced meditation techniques – the Meditation on the Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination and the Meditation on the Blue Pearl (which is based on Patanjali’s Raja Yoga). And when these two meditations are combined, the spiritual practitioner will experience divine bliss, love and light and it will lead to a rapid spiritual evolution in a few years of regular practice rather than many life times.

The techniques covered in this workshop enable us to purify ourselves in order to become better human beings and help us raise our consciousness to achieve illumination. Both meditations are unique and easy to learn. Some of the common benefits from these practices are greater energy, clarity of mind, calm emotions, and a balanced development of our personality.

What will I gain with this workshop?

Spiritual is not just mystical. It is a way of life. Understanding these profound truths offers several practical applications of the technique which would make everyday life easier and more fulfilling. After this workshop you should be able to:

  • Experience peace, calmness and clarity even during the busy and chaotic work/home environments.
  • Learn how to release old emotional baggage and create positive changes in all kinds of relationships.
  • Using Words of Power (mantras) will be taught in order to achieve Inner Stillness in a fast way.
  • Experience “Coming Home and Being One with All”.
  • Invite your loved ones to meditate together and experience spiritual intimacy and stimulate their love for each other.
  • Experience a state of Peace and Expansion of Consciousness and Awareness short after the meditation begins.
  • Create a better relationship with your spouse, family, friends and co-workers.

Teachings provided in this workshop are non-sectarian and is not linked to any one religion, tradition or culture. As Master Choa always taught us – truth is universal.

Please note that Basic Pranic Healing is a prerequisite to all other courses (with the exception of Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul).

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