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Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is globally renowned as the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. He was born on 15 August 1952 at Cebu, Philippines. Raised in a multi-faith environment, Master Choa Kok Sui found himself inclined to paranormal and spiritual matters from the tender age of 12. His relentless search for spiritual truths beyond the accepted realities has led thousands worldwide and from all works of life to experience the benefits of his teachings.

Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) was one of the greatest Masters of Energy of our generation. Through the development of Pranic Healing he conceptualised a fresh and far deeper understanding of energy healing using the readily available source of all life – Prana (also called Chi, Ki, Mana, Pneuma, Ruah or Vital Life Force in different traditions). For those seekers on the spiritual path, Master Choa developed a system of practices called Arhatic Yoga that leads to soul (or self) realization. Arhatic Yoga is non-sectarian, and can become an enhancement to the understanding of any individual willing to accept the existence of a Higher Being or a God.

The word ‘Master’ follows from the Chinese convention denoting ‘Teacher’.

People often wonder how a successful businessman and an adept scientist can also be an enlightened guru. It is the perfect blending of these varied qualities that made Master Choa Kok Sui a unique spiritual teacher for our modern times. He travelled ceaselessly across the globe, teaching students in over 60 countries on 6 continues from all walks of life. His distinctive quality as a teacher was his ability to cause significant shifts in the consciousness of his students. Even by the end of a two-day session, students were able to experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance and higher levels of energy.

The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui’s teaching is equally reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writing. He was a prolific author, and before his passing on March 19, 2007, MCKS finished 25 books published in more than 30 languages. Master Choa’s style in presenting paranormal concepts and in unveiling inner (normally hidden) spiritual teachings is simple, straightforward, and practical.

MCKS believed that in addition to “feed the soul”, it is also very important to “feed the body”. Towards the same, MCKS set up many charitable organizations in his lifetime. Even today the he philanthropic arm of the organization, the MCKS Charitable Foundation runs feeding programs in various countries, funds medical assistance for poor patients and contributes to disaster relief the world over.

The influence of Master Choa Kok Sui’s life and teachings continues to grow, reaching out through thousands of Pranic Healing foundations, healing centres and associations in more than 100 countries and cities. 


Initially trained as a chemical engineer, students often refer Master Choa as a “scientist of the soul.” This scientific orientation enabled him to carefully systematize the techniques of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Pragmatic, detail-oriented and with immense clarity — these, along with many qualities reflected in his teachings were the offshoots of his scientist’s mind.


People often wonder how an astute, self-made businessman and adept scientist could be an enlightened guru. These are the qualities that make Master Choa a unique spiritual teacher for a modern era. Teaching with great patience, humour and love, Master Choa was the epitome of the balance of Divine light, love and will.


The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui’s teaching is reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writings. By reading his books, a reader may attain a greater understanding of the Master’s unique technology for rapidly achieving a higher degree of Oneness with their Soul. To understand Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui better, we encourage you to read ‘Origins of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga’ available at the office. This book gives a first hand glimpse into the life & vision of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui.